July 22, 2022
LOKKO.FR: “J’ai reçu un très bel héritage de mon pays l’Azerbaïdjan, qui m’influence beaucoup”Le prodige du piano de Bakou, Isfar Sarabski, s’est produit ce mercredi 20 juillet sur la scène du Théâtre de la Mer dans le cadre de Jazz à Sète. Un concert teinté d’Orient avec les notes entêtantes luth persan et des classiques de l’Occident revisités par le jazzman avec émotion et talent. Clara Mure a pu échanger avec ce jeune artiste de 33 ans, adulé par Quincy Jones, sur son nouvel album “Planet”, sorti en 2021, et ses projets notamment électro pour 2022.
May 16, 2022
PIANIST Magazine: Isfar Sarabski to perform at Ronnie ScottSarabski, a former winner of the Solo Piano Competition of the Montreux Jazz Festival, released his debut album last year via Warner Records. His album incorporates jazz, classical, folk and funk music, and has fascinated not only critics and experts but also younger audiences. 
March 23, 2022
KULTURNEWS.DE: "Isfar Sarabski: Was lange währt"Das Geheimnis hinter dem herausragenden Debüt „Planet“ von Isfar Sarabski: Der Pianist hat ein Problem mit Deadlines.
February 12, 2022
KURIER: Träumerisch tänzelnde Piano-Arpeggios, dazu ein hektischer Jazz-Rhythmus und bedrohliche Streicher. So klingt „Planet“Träumerisch tänzelnde Piano-Arpeggios, dazu ein hektischer Jazz-Rhythmus und bedrohliche Streicher. So klingt „Planet“, der Titelsong des ersten Solo-Albums des aserbaidschanischen Pianisten Isfar Sarabski. Mir diesen Klängen will der 31-Jährige ganz ohne Text und Gesang seine Sorge um den Planeten zum Ausdruck bringen.
January 16, 2022
LALSACE.FR: "Le disque du jour : le piano sans frontières d'Isfar SarabskiLe pianiste détourne le thème du Lac des Cygnes , multiplie les nuances classiques et orientales entre un jeu tantôt apaisé et des moments étourdissants de fulgurance et l’on est sous le choc de son toucher virtuose. Un prochain opus de tendance électro est annoncé dans la foulée. De quoi attiser toute notre curiosité.
January 10, 2022
LALIBERTE: "Rachmaninov qui sortirait de chez lui pour aller danser en boîte, et qui se raviserait à mi-chemin pour faire irruption dans un club de jazz. C’est un peu ça, la musique d’Isfar"Fils d’une violoniste et arrière-petit-fils d’un chanteur d’opéra célèbre dans le monde oriental, le lyrique Isfar Sarabski ouvre de nouvelles voies quelque part entre GoGo Penguin et Nils Frahm. Surtout, il rappelle avec fougue que le jazz n’est pas un genre mais un horizon ouvert.
December 23, 2021
BBC Music Magazine: The best jazz albums released in 2021The best jazz albums released in 2021 so far: A list of the greatest jazz albums released in 2021, as chosen by BBC Music Magazine critics Garry Booth, Barry Witherden and Roger Thomas
October 23, 2021
QOBUZ: An interview with Azeri pianist Isfar Sarabski following the release of Planet, a Qobuzissime first album made up of jazz with multiple influences, both folkloric and classical...
July 13, 2021
MJF: "He won the Montreux Jazz Festival piano competition with his brilliant interpretation of Bill Evans’ compositions""Their ecstatic jazz and cosmic swing blend with traditional and classical music when the three musicians are joined by the târ (Persian lute) and the strings of the Baku Strings Quartet."
May 01, 2021
RADIOFRANCE: "Adulé dans son pays l’Azerbaïdjan autant que par Quincy Jones, Isfar Sarabski fait sensation partout où il passe tant pa"Avant son album électro, le prodige de Bakou dévoile une œuvre jazz en trio, multipliant les influences dans un discours lyrique magnifié par une rythmique haletante.
April 25, 2021
CITIZENJAZZ: "Une riche fusion, un enveloppement des sens de chaque instant, qui produit un coup de cœur immédiat"En format piano basse batterie, avec Alan Hampton et Mark Guiliana, le natif de Bakou s’entoure d’un orchestre à cordes.
Planet ne fait ni dans le frugal ni dans le diététique : le lyrisme des solos du pianiste, la démoniaque propulsion rythmique, les émotions surlignées aux violons et au târ (luth persan) concourent à en faire une bombe nutritive.

April 24, 2021
A nod to Isfar Sarabski & "Planet": A clever mix of energy and emotionsThe pianist, composer and arranger, Isfar Sarabski presents his album "Planet". At the head of a piano-bass-drums trio, the virtuoso musician also surrounds himself on certain titles with a string orchestra. It offers music that creates bridges between jazz, mugham and classical music. A few emotionally charged moments dot this album, bursting with energy.
April 23, 2021
ISFAR SARABSKI: AZERBAÏDJAZZFew countries can boast of nearly a hundred years of jazz tradition. This is the case of Azerbaijan, definitely land of prodigy pianists since the first recordings of the genre. The young generation is not left out, as Isfar Sarabski proves.
By Alexandra do Nascimento

April 22, 2021
"Planet", the jazz explorations of pianist Isfar SarabskiBefore his electro album, the Baku prodigy unveils a jazz trio work, multiplying influences in a lyrical discourse magnified by a breathless rhythm.
April 19, 2021
In his new piece "Prelude" Isfar Sarabski penetrates again to the soul of jazz"Jazz is extremely helpful in finding deep-seated, small, but important details of the soul," says Sarabski with certainty. "It's like some kind of code that can't always be decoded, but it's unique in its appearance." The 31 year old pianist, composer and arranger cracked the code on his upcoming debut album "Planet", as his new song "Prelude" shows. 
April 09, 2021
Isfar Sarabski celebrates the Azerbaijani spring festival with his song "Novruz" In addition to family gatherings and plenty of good food, music also plays a major role in the Novruz celebrations, including nationwide Ashiq and folk music concerts and the traditional Yalli dances. Isfar Sarabski is now contributing his own song, "Novruz", which, with its high tempo and rhythmic passages, can be read like a musical interpretation of the busy preparations for the festival and happy expectations. You can see the music video below .
March 19, 2021
In this "piano solo" version of "Planet", Isfar Sarabski“my feelings and views about our planet. In the compositions, I reflect on the people, the events that have affected us all in recent years, and the new situations that we have to deal with, with the wish to enter into a dialogue with my listeners about them. "
March 08, 2021
JAZZ – A MELLIFLUOUS AZERBAIJANI EXPORTAzerbaijani jazz has a long history that dates back 90 years, almost to the earliest days of recorded jazz. The first band in the country was the Eastern Jazz Band, which featured vocals by the tenor Huseyngulu Sarabski (great-grandfather of Isfar Sarabski, a leading contemporary jazz pianist) who toured the Soviet Union.
February 27, 2021
Isfar Sarabski: Piano CompetitionAnyone who has always wanted to compete with a professional jazz musician now has the opportunity to do so from Warner Music: The piece "Planet (Piano Solo)", which is included on the debut album "Planet" by the Azerbaijani pianist Isfar Sarabski , is available Performance ready. Anyone who records themselves with a camera playing the piece and then sends the result to @jazznewsofficial or Jazz News on Facebook has the opportunity to win valuable prizes. Under the motto “Show us your piano skills and prizes”, the first prize is a voucher for 750 euros from Thomann Music, the second prize is a master class with Isfar Sarabski.
January 22, 2021
Jazz that transcends genre boundaries: Isfar Sarabski announces his album "Planet""Boy, you will play a lot more!" - with these words none other than Quincy Jones Isfar Sarabski predicted a great career some time ago after a performance at Miles Davis Hall on Lake Geneva. The Azerbaijani pianist, composer and arranger, who studied at the renowned Berklee College of Music in Boston, has announced his debut album "Planet" for April 30th. You can already get an impression of his eclectic variety of jazz with the music video for the title track .
April 24, 2019
Azerbaijani pianist Isfar Sarabski to perform at the Jazzahead FestivalThe pianist Isfar Sarabski will be one of the acts of the Overseas Night of Jazzahead's Showcases in Bremen this year. As one of the main representatives of the true roots of Azerbaijan Jazz Mugham nowadays, his quartet stands out for the perfect interweaving of classical, jazz and traditional music, three strongly identifiable influences on Isfar's performance and compositions. The presentation also brings news such as the use of tar, a string instrument of Persian origin, which confers a sound rarely heard in a jazz concert.
The beauty and originality of the finest AZERI JAZZ will not make anyone indifferent.
November 24, 2018
Azerbaijan’s world-famous musicians tour South AmericaAs part of the tour, Isfar Sarabski has already performed with a concert in São Paulo (Brazil). In addition, the jazz pianist gave a lecture on "Azerbaijan Jazz and jazz mugham" Sputnik Azerbaijan reported.
October 24, 2018
Азербайджанский джаз впервые прозвучал в Южной АмерикеИзвестный азербайджанский пианист и композитор Исфар Сарабский вместе со своим музыкальным трио завершил турне по странам Южной Америки.
August 20, 2018
Isfar Sarabski Trio & Shahriyar Imanov + Renee Rosnes - 08/24/2018 - Campinas This Friday, Aug. 24, Azhar pianist Isfar Sarabsky performs with Shahriyar Imanov and Canadian pianist Renee Rosnes at SESC Campinas. This show is part of the SESC Jazz 2018 , project brings together great names of world jazz, contemplating a variety of musical formations and styles in its programming.
April 01, 2018
Isfar Sarabzki Montro Caz FestivalindaMontrö Caz Festivalı hər ilin iyulu İsveçrənin Montrö şəhərində Cenevrə gölü sahilində təşkil olunur. 1967-ci ildən bəri bu kiçik şəhər hər yay canlanır və böyük turist axınına məruz qalır. Festival təkcə caz musiqisindən ibarət deyil – Pink Floyd kimi proqressiv rok qruplarından tutmuş Ice-T kimi reperlərəcən yüzlərlə musiqiçi bu səhnəni paylaşıblar.
March 12, 2018
CYCLE Project Released ! Album release date: 2018-04-20On their ECM album Aftenland, Jan Garbarek and Kjell Johnsen explored the connections between organ and saxophone. Now, Azerbaijan’s two leading jazz performers are presenting a sequel of sorts. In their cosmic game, the organ represents holiness. The saxophone describes our deepest emotions. And the piano binds the two together.

March 02, 2018
Исфар Сарабский. С самого начала до сегодня"Я думаю основа всего — любовь моих родителей к музыке. Мама педагог по скрипке, а отец заядлый слушатель пластинок Тома Джонса, Луи Армстронга и многих других. Семейные посещения опер, балетов, театров – все это формировало мой музыкальный вкус и, как выяснилось позже, выбор будущей профессии."
February 23, 2018
Зейнаб Джахан: Беседа Исфаром СарабскимДавно хотела побеседовать с одним из самых ярких представителей джазового направления Исфаром Сарабски. Но плотный график молодого пианиста никак не позволял сделать это. За это время у Исфара собралось большое количество новых проектов, концертов, он нашел себя в новых направлениях и накопил кучу впечатлений, которыми поделился со мной, а я, в свою очередь, делюсь с вами!
February 12, 2018
December 15, 2017
"Baku Silk Way" festival to kick off in AzerbaijanRain Sultanov and Isfar Sarabski’s 'Cycle', which is not just a music project. It has an interesting content. Three instruments - organ, saxophone and piano - that have not been used before in combination are merged in one theme. 'Cycle' can be described as a representative of consequential phases of human genesis and evolution and explores different alternatives and options of its development.
November 13, 2017
Isfar Sarabski performs at jazz festival in Romania Azerbaijani jazz pianist Isfar Sarabski has performed at Mozaic jazz festival in the Romanian city of Sibiu.
November 05, 2017
Jazzman Isfar Sarabski raises the roof in ReimsThis was particularly evident on the afternoon of 5 November, which featured two groundbreaking musicians performing before a capacity audience of 450 jazz aficionados. The first was Azerbaijani pianist–composer Isfar Sarabski, winner of the 2009 Solo Piano Prize at the Montreux Jazz Festival, whose appearance was made possible by the Paris office of The European Azerbaijan Society (TEAS). He seamlessly combines jazz and funk with the mugham of his homeland and influences from the classics.

May 04, 2017
Rain Sultanov & Isfar Sarabski Duo | XJAZZ Festival 2017The leading jazz saxophonist who has made a huge contribution to the development of jazz culture in Azerbaijan, Rain Sultanov, and the winner of the first prize of the jazz pianists competition in Montreux Jazz Festival in 2009, Isfar Sarabski, came up with a wonderful project together.
April 05, 2017
Isfar Sarabski Presents a New TrackInspired by a joint tour with Dataram Yusef, as well as the film "Café de Flore", the musician presented the "reconstruction" of two tracks - Sophie hunger "Le vent nous portera" and Dafer Youssef "Blending Souls & shades."
November 28, 2016
Isfar Sarabski: Azerbaijani Jazz Has Rich HistoryI spend all days long working in the studio. I usually play in different genres, trying to find something new. If you have a talent, you have to work hard to improve your skills and to become the best.
October 12, 2016
Azerbaijan's Young Virtuoso to Perform in ViennaAcclaimed jazz pianist Isfar Sarabski will perform at Salam Orient-2016 Festival in Vienna, Austria, Azertac reported. Azerbaijan's young virtuoso has performed in the most prestigious concert halls, including the Royal Albert Hall, the Queen Elizabeth Hall, the Miles Davis Hall, the Vibrato Jazz Club, etc.
December 22, 2015
Isfar Sarabski to Perform in BakuIsfar Sarabski, Azerbaijan’s well-know pianist and composer will perform in Opera Studio of the Baku Musical Academy in Baku on December 28. The long-awaited concert "Deja vu" of the young jazzman will also see performance of famous jazz musicians, including Makar Novikov and Alexander Zinger as well as String Quartet.
December 09, 2015
Azerbaijani Cultural Event Wraps Up in GermanyThe event dubbed "An Evening of Azerbaijan" was organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, with assistance of Azerbaijan's embassy in Germany. Along with two exhibitions held in historical Börsensaal, the evening also featured a concert by virtuosic Azerbaijani jazz performer, Isfar Sarabski.
November 04, 2015
Buta Festival creates unforgettable evening for LondonersIn a gala concert held in the Royal Albert Hall the masterpieces of outstanding Azerbaijani composer Uzeir Hajibeyov, Fikrat Amirov touched the hearts of the guests.
August 12, 2015
Azerbaijani Jazzman Impresses LondonersRonnie Scott’s jazz club, which ranks high amongst the preeminent clubs in Europe, had the opportunity to experience music performed by talented Azerbaijani jazz musician Isfar Sarabski on August 10, PRWEB Online Press Release Distribution Service reported.
April 29, 2015
Azerbaijani Jazzmen to Perform in ParisOne of the most famous jazz clubs of Paris will see Azerbaijani jazzmen perform on April 30, during a concert dedicated to the International Day of Jazz. Isfar Sarabski, pop-folk ensemble "Jangi" the artistic director of which is honored artist Mirjavad Etibar Jafarov and pianist Asadli will amaze the Parisians.
September 19, 2014
Azerbaijani Camp in ParisOn October 19, inauguration of the “Azerbaijani Camp” that was organized by the Heydar Aliyev Foundation on Saint Sulpice Square of Paris took place.
July 11, 2014
Jazz Concert in CannesWithin the framework of the Days of Azerbaijani Culture in the French city of Cannes, at the initiative and with support of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, a concert by young jazzman Isfar Sarabski was arranged, July 11, at the Palace of Festivals and Congresses, in an open air.
July 03, 2014
Isfar Inspires Berlin AudienceOn July 3, more than 300 people attended the 'Summer Jazz and Politics 2014' event at Kunztschule at the invitation of the German Office of The European Azerbaijan Society (TEAS.)
December 16, 2013
Young Azerbaijani Pianist Holds Concert in ParisHeld at the world-famous Le Duc des Lombards, Sarabski's concert was organized by the French office of The European Azerbaijan Society (TEAS). Le Duc des Lombards, one of the main jazz clubs in France, has hosted an array of visiting stars that have performed alongside the best French talents during the past three decades.
May 17, 2013
A Great Night in Harlem, 2013Dive in the world of beautiful jazz and blues that was performed at "A Great Night in Harlem" organized by the Jazz Foundation of America in 2013.
April 30, 2012
International Jazz Day by UNESCOIn 2012, UNESCO and the Thelonious Monk Institute of Jazz presented three high-profile programs: a daylong celebration in Paris at UNESCO world headquarters; a sunrise concert in New Orleans’ Congo Square, the birthplace of jazz; and a sunset concert at the United Nations General Assembly Hall in New York City...